a non-profit foundation focused on
. Computer Science and IT
specially Open Source technologies. CAT's primary goal was to
create an IT community in Mansoura University that is dynamic,
innovative and highly scalable for the undergraduate computer
engineering/science students, that would help them achieve a good
level of technical proficiency through projects and seminars.
Hello, World!" is a local event with a bunch of sessions introduced by engineers that aim to: -Help you to choose your track -Enlight students to reach their goals -Know the challenges of each track (pros & cons) And they can answer your questions. Don't forget to always print ( "Hello, World!") Stay tuned... Be ready.
Read Moreكل مغامرة تتطلب خطوة أولى، وها قد بدأت مغامرة هذا العام. مع بداية كل عام دراسي تقوم الـ CAT بإحياء المراسم السنوية واستعادة طلّتها بتنظيم Booth خاص بهذا الكيان العظيم، لتعريفكم بنا وبرؤيتنا ومهمتنا وأحداثنا السنوية والمشاريع التي نفذناها والمشاريع التي ننفذها الآن! يستمر CAT Booth لمدة ثلاثة أيام في كلية الهندسة جامعة المنصورة وسنكون مستعدين للقاء بكم في مبنى كلية هندسة ننتظر الطلاب الجدد والقدامى لتعريفكم بنا ونتحرّق شوقًا لرؤياكم!
Read MoreForgetting is no longer possible; the memories have become so plentiful and are about to explode with all the good and the great that we have been through, so are you ready?!…
About Kawen, Kawen is an interactive learning website for computer science fields that are provided by CAT Reloaded team. Kawen provides the learning paths for its computer science fields for the learners from multi-sources like (YouTube, Udemy, Lynda, edX, etc) based on the learning path for each technical circle in the CAT team.
Read More.. Waiting...CAT APP is a mobile application for computer science fields that are provided by CAT Reloaded team. CAT App is available for anyone to know more about CAT Reloaded and what we provide. And Answering all your questions from: How to join us? CAT History. Circles (Technical and Non-Technical) Most famous events.
Read More.. Waiting...We'll informed you with our new blogs and the latest updates!